Does It Really Work?

Rejuvit was launched in September 2022 by Rejuvit Labs.

As of 2023, it has gained popularity to become the go-to natural supplement for 50,000+ women to help support weight loss, natural metabolism and healthier joints, hair and skin.



What is Rejuvit?

Rejuvit is a supplement made with probiotics and herbs to support a healthy weight, reduce bloating and stubborn belly fat, improve digestion and increase energy.It is available in 60-capsule bottles (which are 30-day supply).

Customer Reviews - How has Rejuvit helped them?

Relief for menopausal symptoms - better energy, hot flashes and stubborn belly fat

“I’ve been using HRT patches for several months now. Although the symptoms are mostly gone. I often feel nauseous and I’ve also developed a Menobelly. No matter what diet I’ve tried or workout routine I followed, the stubborn belly fat just wouldn’t go away.

That is until I’ve tried Rejuvit...I’m sleeping much better, I have more energy to start off my day. And the BEST part is that I’ve finally been able to shed this Menobelly off. I’m now looking better than ever and my husband agrees too.”

- Candice M, 56, California

“I liked the fact that it keeps the menopausal weight in check and regularly cleans out the gut, taking all of those toxins out with it. And the best part was that I never fell sick while I took the products for several months. “
- Wanda K, 55, USA

“I can’t say enough about this product! It has LITERALLY changed my life. The annoying hot flashes, uncomfortable and unwanted weight gain just POOF away - just like that.

I’m now hot flash-free, with a flatter tummy and I just realized recently that I’m sleeping better nowadays after taking Rejuvit. ”>-Jenni G, 51, USA

“My body must really love Rejuvit. I've only been taking it for a few weeks and I have so much more energy! I feel like my premenopausal self again, without the hot flashes, fatigue and mood swings.”
- Lucy D, 58, USA



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Weight loss, increase in energy and improvement in mood

“I’ve taken Rejuvit for several months. Through this period of time, my weight has gone down by a few pounds. I don’t know how this number feels to you, but this is actually the first time my weight has gone down over the years!

It is a significant achievement for me, and it is my first progress I’ve made in years. My old school pants are finally starting to fit. On top of that, I’ve been feeling an increase in energy and improvement in my mood overall. Even my friends noted that I appear more lively and seem to look a slimmer on the stomach after taking Rejuvit.”

- Jamie L, 51, Florida

Refreshing sleep and reduced bloating

“I noticed a positive difference just under a few weeks! The main reason I bought Rejuvit was to see if the bloating would go away. And I’m happy to say that it has!

Not only that, I was finally able to sleep through the night, without tossing and turning all night long like a rotisserie. I feel so refreshed after a decent night's sleep. Not to mention that they’re 100% natural, that made me love Rejuvit even more!"

- Gloria H, 49, Kentucky

Based on 1005 reviews
Great product

Great product. Lost a couple of kgs within a short time!


They really do work!

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Blanka Kobayashi
Love it

I really like it and have been using it for 6 months right now. It helps my hot flushes and bloated belly

I still don't have it

I have emailed numerous times regarding this order. The last email response I got, I was told it had been shipped back to them and that they will send a new order straight away at no extra cost to me!!! Well yesterday, I got and email from customs to pay extra tax before they release the item. I have cancelled all further subscriptions!

Meno Reset Bundle
Wanda Clark

Doesn’t do a lot! Actually breaks me out in a rash. I tried to cancel but they won’t let me!

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Rasa Seliakiniene
Wonderful product

Using this this product I felt much better,my mood was much much better,skin condition increase ,super product


Your product doesn’t work and you made me keep an order that I didn’t placed, stealing my money, even though I tried to canceled the order 4 days before it shipped!
You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Susan Halliwell

I was put on recurring order so have another 3 bottles of which I don’t want enroute to me and you have taken £96 against my will, so no not happy

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Louise Croxford

I have been happy with the menopause relief, but every time I order products from yourselves you try to take monies twice and I have to get intouch with my bank, then they cancel my card, this has happened twice. I will be wanting to order again in month or so, but I don’t want the hassle of my card been cancelled and having to get another card issued.

Menopause balance

Has stopped me night sweats completely , feel better and refreshed in the morning .

Weight gain in the middle

My hot flashes seem to have diminished a bit but I am gaining around the waist ait since starting these. I exercise five times a week and eat fairly healthy. I was really looking for better results after three months😩

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Katrina Campbell
Horrible Website and Customer Service

I will never purchase from the company again. The website is not user friendly. Even submitting this review was troublesome. The customer service is atrocious. I cancelled my order after chatting and emailing the company and my order was still sent. As soon as I received it I mailed it back (with permission) the very next day unopened. The cs rep kept questioning me as to why was sending the product back. I felt harassed during the return process. The tracking shows that the company received the order on 29 July. I have not received my refund as of 11 August. I will not order from this company again.

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Sarah Britcliffe
Customer Services Ignored Me

I asked a question about the origination of the product and was ignored. Been using it but no difference. Wouldn’t buy from or use them again,

Rejuvit Menopause Relief

Not working so well

When I first started using these my hot flushes stopped, but now a few months in they have returned despite my continued use- sad!
Have not seen any weight loss either

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Yvonne Crawford

This product didn’t do anything for me

Rejuvit menopause relief

Absolutely amazing, feeling so much better not so tired, feeling more relaxed and more lively, tummy not so bloated. Generally feeling good about myself .


This product along with Belly Reset has been a massive help and I will continue to use it

Rejuvit Menopause Relief
Khalila Hussain
Menopause relief

I think these tablets have helped alot with my health issues. I am very happy with them and I will continue to purchase them ☺️

Sleep at last

The capsules are quite large but easily swallowed. Results were quickly evident for me.
The biggest and best result was my sleep! After months of poor and disturbed sleep I am back to falling asleep quickly and staying asleep!

Charlotte lane

I didn't see or notice anything for quite a while but then I noticed that my mood swings were not as bad as they used to be but I have now and I will continue to give more feedback as my journey continues.

Very pleased

Only done about three weeks but my stomach is narrowing at the sides and I can feel the bottom of my ribs when lying down. I do feel better within myself both mood and energy wise have improved. I use the Belly Reset also and find My tummy is much more comfortable and the bloated feeling is gone after eating. Am very excited to see how my journey progresses. I am 64 and well past the menopause but I really do see and feel a real difference already. I would definitely recommend. Excellent product for me only weight loss supplement that has worked in my experience.

Rejuvit Menopause Relief

I have been taking these tablets for a couple of weeks now. So far my hot flushes have not been extreme. So look forward to seeing how I go when I have been on them for a couple of months

Great product for menopause

Fabulous product. Symptoms disappeared after 4 weeks of taking. Helped with hot flushes weight control mainly but had more energy to do things too

Shocked at the Relief

Honestly, I was very skeptical. I had awful hip pain, burning and aching. GONE the first night. I'm finally able to sleep, and the hip tension/sharp pain is gone, gone, gone. Highly recommend. Try it. You have nothing to lose but pain.

*Individual results may vary.

Ready to get the same experience as these women?

What are the ingredients in Rejuvit?

  • L. Gasseri

    L. Gasseri is a rare probiotic found in small amounts in fermented foods like Puba (a Brazilian staple). A randomized, double-blind human study on 210 people showed an average of 8.5% impact on weight after weeks of consuming L. Gasseri.*

  • L. Plantarum

    Some studies proposed that Lactobacillus Plantarum strains might influence the gut microbiota, which could potentially impact metabolic processes. A balanced and diverse gut microbiome has been linked to better metabolism and weight management.

  • B. Lactis

    B. Lactis is present in raw milk and is used as starter culture for cheese, cottage cheese and butter milk. Research indicates that B. Lactis, also known as the “booster shot” of probiotics, support healthy immunity and cholesterol levels.*

  • Turmeric

    Turmeric is often touted as the “miracle herb” in the east due to an active compound called curcumin. Many studies suggest that curcumin provides potent anti-inflammatory benefits. Other studies also indicate that it may help to alleviate joint pains and support brain and liver health.*

  • Black Cohosh

    Black cohosh, a natural plant that’s been used for hundreds of years by Native Americans and Chinese. Black cohosh mimics the effects of estrogen to help reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings.

  • Red Clover

    Red clover contains vital nutrients that can help lower cholesterol, improve bone density, and help prevent osteoporosis.

  • Bioperine®

    BioPerine® is a patented form of piperine, a compound found in black pepper. Studies suggest taking it together with curcumin promotes absorptions and bioavailability.*

  • Astralagus Root Extract

    Astralagus Root Extract helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol in the body. It also helps insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism to help prevent or manage diabetes.

  • Magnesium Glycinae

    Rejuvit Menopause Relief also has magnesium glycinate which is a form of magnesium that’s easily absorbed by your body. Magnesium can help you deal with stress and anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, and more.

Benefits of Rejuvit

Multiple clinical studies indicate that “Thermogenic Probiotics” mimic the thermogenic effect of exercise in the body even before going to the gym. They have also been studied to:

  • Boost natural metabolism*

  • Ease cravings*

  • Manage calorie absorption*

  • Impact fat storage*

Rejuvit is ideal for those who:

  • Want a healthy gut and better weight management

  • Are currently trim and would like to stay that way

  • Want to start every day full of energy

  • Wish to enhance the effectiveness of keto, paleo, vegan and any other diets

  • Want their loved ones to stay in good shape and enjoy good health


  • L Gasseri signals to the body to absorb less fat from the foods you eat

  • L Gasseri reduces the size of fat cell

  • A study of 210 people took L. Gasseri over 12 weeks found they reduce weight, abdominal visceral fat (fat around the organs), BMI, waist and hip circumference. Belly fat reduced by 8.5% over 12 weeks of supplementation

  • A study of 87 Japanese adult took L. Gasseri for 12 weeks

    • Abdominal visceral fat reduced by 5.8%
    • Subcutaneous fat (fat under the skin) reduced by 3.3%
    • Body weight reduced by 1.4%
    • BMI reduced by 1.5%
    • Waist reduced by 1.8%
    • Hip reduced by 1.5%
  • L Gasseri reduces inflammation

  • Body Weight Is Affected by Gut Bacteria

  • Obese people have different gut flora. Gut bacteria in overweight people is more efficient at extracting and storing energy from their diets

  • Some researchers have found that when intestinal bacteria from obese mice are transferred to lean mice, the lean mice gain weight

  • Consuming L Gasseri can colonize the intestines, changing the digestive environment and waste products

  • Gut bacteria affects fat absorption. Bacteria in the gut can increase the host’s ability to absorb fat and thereby harvest more calories from the diet.

  • Gut bacteria affect our metabolism

  • Influence of the Microbiome on the Metabolism of Diet and Dietary Components

  • Expanding Role of Gut Microbiota in Lipid Metabolism

  • Gut bacteria affect fat accumulation

  • Excess calories stored in fat cells

  • Gut bacteria affects hormones

  • Obese and lean twins have different gut bacteria

  • Comparative meta-analysis of the effect of Lactobacillus species on weight gain in humans and animals

  • B Breve lowers fat mass

  • B Breve reduced body weight gain and accumulation of visceral fat

  • B Lactis

  • Targeting Inflammation-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Diseases by Curcumin and Other Nutraceuticals

  • Curcumin and piperine supplementation of obese mice under caloric restriction modulates body fat and interleukin-1β

  • Compound In Turmeric Spice May Stall Spread Of Fat Tissue

  • Curcumin Mimics the Neurocognitive and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Caloric Restriction in a Mouse

  • Bioperine

  • Black cohosh (Actaea/Cimicifuga racemosa): review of the clinical data for safety and efficacy in menopausal symptoms

  • Red clover extract for alleviating hot flushes in postmenopausal women: a meta-analysis

  • Magnesium in Aging, Health and Diseases

  • Red clover for treatment of hot flashes and menopausal symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis